Kyle Jones

DC Student


Expected Graduation Date: June 2016
Program/Concentration: Doctor of Chiropractic Program
Hometown: West Linn, Ore.
Prior schooling or work experience: I attended BYU-Idaho and worked as a chiropractic assistant for two years

I’m just another one of those “chiropractic loving” kind of guys. I enjoy exploring, expanding and trying out new things. I have many interests and hobbies from playing peak-a-boo with my daughter to hiking and camping in the wilderness. Serving and helping others has been a big part of my life. I spent two years in Louisiana and Mississippi on a Latter-day Saints mission and have helped with multiple service projects and groups throughout the years.

1. Why did you choose UWS? Why did you choose your program/concentration?

I chose UWS because it has a reputation for preparing their students for boards and it’s close to home. Chiropractic care has always been a part of my life. I have a number of relatives who are chiropractors and that has been a great influence. Becoming a chiropractor has been a goal I’ve been working toward for some time; a pivotal moment occurred after I injured myself and received an adjustment that immediately restored normal function. My goal now is to deliver that same care to my patients.

2. What has been your favorite class/instructor?

I’ve enjoyed many of the classes taught here at UWS. However, any class that was taught by Jim Carollo or Kara Burnham became an instant favorite. Secretly, Billing and Coding, taught by Dr. Corll has been a favorite as well. I know it sounds kind of sick and twisted but he’s a great instructor and adds a lot of experience that I feel will help me when I get into practice.

3. What is your favorite part about attending UWS as a student?

My favorite part about attending UWS is how helpful my classmates are. I feel that we’re all here to help one another succeed and become the best versions of ourselves. Many of my peers are very hard working and passionate about becoming chiropractors. This has been very inspiring to me.

4. What has been the most surprising part of attending UWS?

Before attending I hadn’t realized all the things I didn’t know about chiropractic, considering my life experience with the profession. Also, I didn’t know how my increased knowledge of different ailments would lead to being a hypochondriac. Since first quarter, I’ve been constantly discovering new details about the scope of our practice and the little nuances that make this profession great. Once I began learning about all of the different pathologies, cancers, skin-eating diseases, infections and birth defects that can occur, I began to question whether or not I had some or all of these conditions. Multiple times I found myself having, “reasonable suspicion” that I had a terminal disease. I’m actually surprised that I’ve made it this far.

5. What do you hope to do after graduation?

I’m fortunate enough to have a job lined up with my father when I graduate. He’s been practicing in the NE Portland area for nearly 25 years now. I look forward to continuing my education by working with him and getting paid while doing so.

6. Favorite way to get some stress out from school?

Once I stopped self-diagnosing I received a lot of stress relief, but now for those moments when classes and studying are getting to be too much, I like to take walks or play ping-pong.